Fellows Elementary Fact Sheet
as of October 1, 2024
Student Enrollment: 464

Certified Enrollment for the past 5 years:
- 2023: 498
- 2022: 537
- 2021: 495
- 2020: 577
- 2019: 598
Student breakdown:
- English Language Learners: 11.8%
- Students receiving Special Education Services: 16.1%
- Free and Reduced Lunch: 29.7%
School breakdown by Race:
Race | Percentage * |
Hispanic/Latinx | 13.6% |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | 0.6% |
Asian | 16.8% |
Black/African American | 5.3% |
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander | — |
White | 56.9% |
Two or more races | 6.9% |
* Percentages are rounded to within .1 of a point, so total may not add up to 100%.
Student Achievement:

- ISASP Reading Proficiency: 78%
- ISASP Math proficiency: 84%
Average Class Size: 21
Staff Members:
- Administrators: Principal Sevond Cole
- Teachers: 44
- Number and percent of teachers with advanced degrees: 25 (56.8%)
- Educational assistants: 23
- Counselors and family advocates: 2
- Nurses: 1